What I'm doing now

Winter 2025

I have returned from the holiday break and now, with a couple of weeks of relative peace, quiet, and stability, I’m able to get back into a bit of a routine. This is being meshed with a little bit of distance from social media, a desire to read more books than tweets and articles, a desire to actually start writing again, and wanting to be more of a planner, at least with money and homestead-y things.

That sounds more like a New Years resolution than I’d prefer, but there you go.

I’m looking to drop the holiday weight and then push forward on the next phase of weight loss. I signed up for the Pittsburgh Marathon and am happily on a training plan.

It’s been cold outside, which makes it a good time to do inside things (unless some snow gets on the driveway, or the chickens need fed). I’m pretty messy around the house, in large part because a bunch of stuff I want to do piles up and I don’t deal with any of it, so I’m actually trying to get on top of things before the weather gets nice and I’ll want to be outside all the time.

Last update: January 27, 2025
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